Almost 300 people got their Covid-19 shots at State Fair of Texas in the first days, everyone gets $20 worth of State Fair coupon

Dallas, TX – According to the data provided by the Dallas County Health Department, almost 300 people decided to get their shot at State Fair of Texas since Friday when the site was officially opened.
The local health department in an announcement said everyone interested might get the shot at the fair in an effort to improve the vaccination by making it easier for those interested.
The vaccination site at the fair was opened on Friday and more than 100 people decided to get their shot there.
Those interested can get vaxxed every day from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The vaccine clinic is located behind Big Tex in between the Tower and Grand Building. As usual, the vaccination is free of charge for everyone interested.
Dallas County residents who get their shot at the fair will also get $20 worth of State Fair coupons.