The dangerous coyote that attacked and injured toddler in Dallas was shot and killed

Dallas, TX – As we already reported yesterday, several agencies were looking for the dangerous coyote that attacked and seriously injured a toddler in Dallas on Tuesday.
Wednesday night, a coyote matching the description of the coyote that attacked the little child was spotted in the area of the attack, was shot and killed. However, no one can confirm if it’s the same coyote that attacked the 2-year-old on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the child underwent surgery and was in critical condition due to the injuries sustained in the attack. As of yesterday, the toddler was still in critical condition, but his condition has improved and now the child is expected to fully recover, the father of the toddler confirmed.
Local residents said they will remain ready and prepared for action just in case. White Rock Elementary School decided to keep students inside and asked parents to pick up their children on their own.