Fully vaccinated against Covid-19, young woman had both legs amputated after contracting the virus and developing severe condition, goes home after 2 months in hospital

In most of the cases, Covid-19 vaccines are proven to work in preventing contracting the virus and developing severe condition if a fully vaccinated person gets infected with Covid-19. The protection of the vaccines wane over time and their efficacy and protection dropped against the Omicron variant, but vaccines still remain the best option we have in battling the deadly virus.
America has one of the best Covid-19 vaccination rates so far globally. According to the CDC data, more than 255 million Americans are vaccinated against Covid-19 with at least one dose, while more than 217 million are fully vaccinated. Nearly 97 million people opted for the third, booster dose which currently provides the best protection against coronavirus.
In the last two months, the number of new Covid-19 cases has been declining nationwide as some health experts warn that a fourth dose, or a second booster dose, might be needed in preventing future Covid-19 waves driven by new variants. Since early January, some people with a weakened immune system were already able to get a fourth dose as per the updated CDC guidelines.
The 21-year-old C. Bridges is among the majority of Americans who decided to get the Covid-19 vaccine and protect herself and her family from the deadly virus. However, like many other vaccinated Americans, the young aspiring model from Florida contracted the virus early January and was admitted to hospital with severe leg pain by the middle of that month. At that point, Bridges and her family were concerned about her condition, but couldn’t even imagine what was coming in the upcoming period.
According to Newsweek, Bridges was born with a congenital heart condition and developed a life-threatening complication after testing positive for Covid-19. Her heart stopped just hours after her admission and she was diagnosed with Covid-19 myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanotic, and acidosis.
Bridges’ condition worsened in the upcoming days and the doctors in the hospital where she was admitted did everything in their power to save her life. As per the hospital report, Bridges fought for her life, underwent several surgeries and got both legs amputated. The treatment continued and the young woman spent more than two months in hospital. She was finally able to go home last week on Thursday, just in time to celebrate her 21st birthday over the weekend.
“Two months to the day this all started and Claire, for the first time sat up by herself! It may not seem like a lot, but for this Warrior, it’s a major victory! And for this victory, it looks like our Warrior girl is coming home to her mom’s house today for the rehab phase of her journey,” Bridges’ father Wayne wrote on Facebook few days before she returned home.
The young woman will continue her treatment at home. Although the last two months have been mentally and emotionally taxing, Bridges and her parents remain positive that she will overcome all the upcoming challenges and will completely focus on the future.
Bridges is now preparing to receive prosthetic legs, partly funded by 50 Legs, a charity group, and physical therapy and occupational therapy to learn how to use them in everyday life. In two separate GoFundMe pages, her parents and her housemate raised more than $150,000 which should help cover her medical and recovery expenses.