Following the winter storm, DART continues to operate as usual starting Sunday

Dallas, TX – The winter storm caused a lot of problems for Texans living in the North Texas area in the last few days.
Because of the winter storm and heavy snow in the area, DART cancelled all of their operations earlier this week, but things are slowly getting back to normal after they announced they are restarting all bus and rail services starting Sunday.
According to DART, the bus service was restarted in the early morning of hours on Sunday, while the rail services will start to operate as per their regular schedule from 12 p.m. Sunday.
As a result of the winter weather conditions, DART suspended all of their bus and rail services on Friday for the first in the 39-year history.
But as the hard freeze warning expired early Saturday and the melting kicked into high gear DART says some bus routes, many along shady streets in its 13-city service area were still too slick to operate.
“It’s ice that will always be the hardest to deal with,” external communications director Gordon Shattles said.
From Monday, DART continues with the usual schedule and school districts that decided to close schools on Thursday and Friday are reopening again.