Monday evening fire in Frisco home results with injured firefighter, treated in hospital then released home, report

Frisco, TX – While responding at the scene on Monday evening, Frisco firefighter got injured and transferred to hospital for treatment, but later released after his condition was stable, officials say.
According to the report, firefighters were dispatched in the 4900 block of Voyager Drive, near Lebanon Road and Legacy Drive, around 5:30 p.m. in regards to a house fire.
When fire crews arrived at the scene, they saw a large amount of smoke coming from a two-story building. The fire crews easily determined that the garage and the attic area above it were on fire.
With their immediate intervention, the firefighters put the fire under control before 6:30 p.m. They said that they put out the fire in the attic and in the rooms around and above the garage.
Luckily, all the occupants in the house left the building on time and were uninjured.
One firefighter got injured in the intervention. He was lucky that he only suffered non-life-threatening injuries. He was transferred to hospital for treatment and additional evaluation of his condition. He was released home Tuesday morning.
The officials with the local fire department didn’t explain what happened and how their colleague got injured.
There is ongoing investigation that should reveal what led to the incident.
Once more details are available, we will update the case. Stay with us!