Just before the start of the upcoming NBA season, Mavs officially announced they will require fans to wear masks and show proof of vaccination or negative test

Texas – While a huge debate is currently ongoing over the vaccination in NBA players and fans across the country, Dallas Mavericks decided to require fans who will attend their home games to show proof of vaccination or negative PCR test.
Additionally, the club in a statement said that they will require all fans aged 2 or more to wear masks during the games regardless of their vaccination status.
The mask requirement is in compliance with the latest Dallas County mask order.
Mavs said that those aged 12 or less won’t be required to be vaccinated or show negative PCR test which comes as a relief for parents who want to attend Mavs games.
In order to make things easier for both fans and American Airlines Center workers, the proof of vaccination or negative PCR tests should be submitted online through this website starting October 1st.
“AAC staff will be at each door checking proof of negative tests and/or vaccination and denying entry to those non-compliant with these requirements,” it states in the Mavericks’ COVID-19 protocols.
Additionally, the club announced that only credit cards will be accepted at concession stands, bars, and merchandise stands in an effort to keep workers as safe as possible.
However, the protocols might change during the season and the club’s officials will closely monitor the current Covid-19 situation.
On Wednesday, Mavs guard Trey Burke explained his decision for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine, adding that “it’s a personal choice [he’s] still figuring out.”