Trump asked, Abbott delivered, Texas to audit 2020 election results in Dallas, Tarrant, Collin & Harris counties

Texas – A few days ago Donald Trump asked the Texas state officials to consider to audit the 2020 election results and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott immediately decided to deliver and ordered another look in four of the state’s largest counties.
The decision came after almost a year since the 2020 election.
No one can actually understand Trump’s request taking into consideration the fact that the won Texas by more than five percentage points.
Still, he asked Gov. Greg Abbott to add legislation for an election audit to the third special session agenda.
Within hours of that request, the secretary of state’s office announced a forensic audit in four counties – Dallas, Tarrant, Collin and Harris.
According to the election results, Trump lost of all these counties except Collin County last year.
Experts claim this is another pressure from Donald Trump in accordance with his election fraud claims, a narrative that he continues to spread and entertain the public.
The chief of elections at the Texas Secretary of State’s office said in announcement earlier this year that the election process in the state of Texas went smooth and secure.
Courts have repeatedly dismissed allegations of fraud made by Trump and his allies.
Several Texas Democrats have condemned the audit.