This is how Ron DeSantis wins another battle with president Joe Biden, this time with the antibody treatment

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and president Joe Biden have been in constant war in the past few weeks over different Covid-19 related measures including the mask mandates, mask mandates in schools, vaccine requirement and freedom of choice and most lately, the antibody treatment that slowed down the spread of the virus in Florida in the peak of the Delta wave.
In an effort to reduce to spread of the virus, Florida was the first state in the country to start using the expensive antibody treatment for infected Covid-19 people. While many were sceptic and argued the efficacy of the treatment, Gov. DeSantis was the only one persistent, implemented the treatment across the state free of charge and the results were visible in a matter of days, the number of hospitalizations started to go down proving everyone wrong.
Meanwhile, president Joe Biden announced the vaccine mandate for federal workers and employees in companies with more than 100 workers, something for which he was slammed by the majority of the vaccine hesitant across the country and by numerous GOP representatives, senators and Governors who already announced that they are considering a lawsuit for overreaching his presidential authority.
Since Florida experienced the amazing results from the antibody treatment, many other states decided to follow their path to start using the treatment. In such situation, the White House administration decided to take over the distribution of the monoclonal antibody treatments used in the treatment of the Wuhan virus, a move that has understandably angered some southern state governors who have touted the benefits of its use in people who are in the early stages of battling the coronavirus, specifically in how it significantly reduces the chance of hospitalization.
This is what Biden’s HHS said in a statement regarding this move:
“HHS will determine the amount of product each state and territory receives on a weekly basis. State and territorial health departments will subsequently identify sites that will receive product and how much,” the spokesperson said. “This system will help maintain equitable distribution, both geographically and temporally, across the country – providing states and territories with consistent, fairly-distributed supply over the coming weeks.”
For Florida, that means that the state won’t be able to get the doses they previously ordered from the manufacturers which will create a huge gap between the supply and the demand, especially in this still intense Covid-19 situation in the state.
On the press conference when Jen Psaki announced the latest White House administration decision over the treatment, she was asked by a reporter “why is the Biden administration cutting” antibody treatments in Florida she said: “That is not accurate… Our supply is not unlimited and we believe it should be equitable… We’re not going to give a greater percentage to Florida over Oklahoma.”
It was more than obvious for DeSantis and his administration that this has been another direct hit from Biden, and DeSantis, announced just a few hours later that he was trying to work with another provider – GlaxoSmithKline – in hopes of being able to purchase the antibody treatments directly, doing an end-run around the Biden administration, as Red State reported.
If DeSantis manages to get the wanted antibody treatment supply by by-passing Biden’s administration, it will be another great win for DeSantis in the war of words in the last couple of months he has with president Joe Biden improving even further his rating.