2 construction workers hospitalized after contact with downed power lines

Fort Worth, Texas – After an accident that caused live power lines to fall, two construction workers were rushed to Texas Health Resources Harris Hospital in Fort Worth with serious injuries.
TxDOT sent out an alert around 1:45 p.m. saying, “SH 199 east and westbound is closed until further notice at Surfside Drive due to downed power lines.”
Eastbound and westbound traffic had to detour for about 90 minutes.
TxDOT tweeted the road was back open around 3:20 p.m.
The incident happened as a new overpass was being built across Jacksboro Highway ( SH 199).
A rock hauler was dropping off a load of dirt and had his bed extended in the up position, explained Lake Worth Police Chief J.T. Manoushagian.
The hauler pulled forward and yanked down the lines.
That energized the truck and badly shocked the driver and his passenger, who both had significant electrical burns.
They were both taken to the hospital but are expected to be OK.
When the line snapped, it flew across SH 199 and hit a car going westbound. That driver crashed but is OK.
The live power lines were then laying across SH 199.
Oncor came out and cut the power to the lines and then restrung them