Former healthcare worker killed four patients in an effort to keep them sick longer and work more hours because he was broke, sentenced

In an effort to earn more money, many people use every given opportunity to work some extra hours or are looking for a second job. Overtime hours are beneficial for everyone, from students who always need extra money, to parents who have extra expenses with rising their children.
While many will simply wait and grab the opportunity for extra working hours, it looks like others are prepared to do everything in their power to force such situation regardless of the fact if their actions are legal or not.
Such was the case with one ex-healthcare worker from Texas who had been accused and found guilty late October for killing four patients at the hospital where he worked at. Last week, after about two hours of deliberation, the suspect W. Davis was sentenced to death.
According to the court records, Davis had been working at the CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Louis and Peaches Owen Heart Hospital until 2018 when he was arrested by the authorities for injecting air into the victims’ arterial systems leading to their death.
During his trial, United States Secret Service special agent said that authorities found that ‘someone’ was using Davis’ laptop and looked at an article online: “List of serial killers by number of victims” just less than a month before he was arrested.
Additionally, the agents that were analyzing Davis’ laptop found that ‘someone’ who used his laptop started searching “Mother Frances hospital” or fully searched “Mother Frances hospital investigating possible serial killer” in March 2018.
Someone who used the laptop also looked at a two pages about serial killers on the same day, according to the agent.
The court record indicates that right after the guilty verdict, Davis called his wife and told her that they were broke at the time and that’s the only reason why he did what he did. He then explained to her that he injected the patients with air making them sicker and prolonging their ICU stays meaning that his actions allowed him to work more hours and therefore, earn more money.
The court records revealed the names of the victims in Davis’ case. The four victims were identified as John Lafferty, Ronald Clark, Christopher Greenaway and Joseph Kalina.
Unfortunately for Davis, Texas is among the 24 states with death penalty.
In similar case earlier this year Reta Mays, a former nursing assistant, was sentenced to life in prison for fatal injections of insulin to seven elderly veterans at a West Virginia hospital. She had a history of mental health issues, never revealed the motive behind her actions and was called “the monster that no one sees coming.”